
Monochrome magic!

Hey there!

It is quite hard to juggle between so many social media “thingys”. Facebook, Instagram, blog, twitter. At some point one or the other is bound to suffer, and usually it is my blog.

I have been doing a lot of artwork lately. My crafting is at a complete stand still for now. 🙂 I will be resuming them soon.

There comes a time when a certain color or a certain style becomes your favorite and you just can’t stop incorporating them in your artwork. My latest obsession is “viridian” hue and monochromes!

Viridian to me is special as it has a spooky feel to it and the range of values it has to offer is simply subperb!

So I started of with this painting by doing a basic flat wash…20180330_152154 (1)

After the basic wash, I started building up the layers beginning from the lightest values. It is easier to build up color rather than removing it. This is one of the things to remember when using watercolors. 🙂

The trees done it light values will appear to be receding in the background, where as the darker ones will come out in the front. This play of values gives the painting a very misty and ethereal feel.

This is how it looked when I was done with it. 🙂

It really is amazing the things we can achieve with a limited palette!

I might be doing more of these in different colors. This was too much fun!


Till then.. Have a colorful day!

Stay awesome!
